
In the garden with my peeps...

All week long, I've been in the backyard.  First order of business was finding a new location for my garden.  The one from last year didn't work out for a myriad of reasons [not enough sun, too close to the house, not enough wind to name a few].  Our yard has gigantic, gorgeous old trees that tower over the yard.  I love them ... but they definitely create a problem when needing to find a spot for plants that require "full sun".

After surveying the yard ... I decided the tree my mom declared a WEED [that was just given too much leniency over the past 50+ years] was hogging the best sunlight.  This "tree" was not attractive, it was just there.  My husband hated it because all the woody dead branches got in his way when he was mowing.  So ... I cut [& mostly ripped] it down.  Kyle saw my "stump" & said "did you chew it off?"  :) ha ha Our bow saw is ancient & only got me so far.  We need to borrow a chain saw to finish it off.

Next, I got busy building the garden box [yep ... I did it myself.  That's why it's all cattywompus. Quit critiquing.]. I thought I was so cool & professional & careful getting out a level.  In the end ... it is, what it is; and it is, where it is.  I walked 160 pounds of organic soil around to the back, then planted 3 strawberry plants, 2 tomato plants & 1 green bean.  Oh & Davis had me plant his lima bean plant he grew at school in a Dixie cup.  It'll probably do the best of all ... and I won't know what the heck to do with all the lima beans.  :P [Watch]

Yesterday after school, we hung up the bird feeder in a new location. It used to hang in the weed-tree.  We have a cardinal family that flies around our yard & I wanted to be sure to set some seed out for them.  So we hung it up, then sat on the hammock to watch & wait from a distance [that's what the pics of the kids are from] We could hear their precious "peeps" & watched them fly around.  I love being outside with all my peeps.  So glad it's that time of year again.  :)


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

Such fun!
Like the new look.
those boys look SO sweet with their sister!
I love red birds. I want a cardinal family...guess I should get a bird feeder.

Jaclyn Morgan said...

LOL at your carpentry and your chewed tree---just call it "Chew-bacca".

My bud Angela just said yesterday, "Rachel seems like she could build a deck. She seems so self-sufficient." I'll have to show her your garden box. It won't be long before you're ready to build that deck---I don't see catty-wampus at all!

Dana said...

you go girl! chewing a tree takes some talent! i'm all for digging "weed" trees up! did i ever tell you that i took out (dug out) 30 feet of monkey grass by myself. got sick of how it looked. can't wait to see all the new treats that grow in your garden!

knack said...

your "peeps" are absolutely precious...and your garden ambitions gave a me a kick in the pants to spruce up my yard:)

hope you had a great mother's day!
