

Thank you so much to our family, friends, new customers & old customers! I had a great time doing this Tag Sale... I'm so glad that some of my stuff will be displayed in your homes & given as gifts. :)

I'll be busy this week finishing up orders (some needed to be personalized, ribbons added, etc.), getting everything packaged up & cleaning things up around here.

I also am entering back into the world of ETSY. Dana at Plum Tree Studio has a page there & has made me want to give it another whirl. So you can check out my Etsy site here... I might be slow to add my things, since I'll be busy this week... but soon I'll be selling things there in addition to my site. Possibly more ready-made things, and my site will be used for custom & commissioned pieces? Hmm... not sure. Still figuring things out.

Thanks, too, to Dana at Plum Tree Studio for taking a chance on a new, random idea I had {the Tag Sale}, where I was really just flying by the seat of my pants. :) ha It was so much more fun having you to do it with!

But I hope to see you all again soon... either on my site, my blog, or on Etsy. :) It was a GREAT time and Plum Tree Studio & cREaTe are already talking about doing another one... hopefully in Spring 2009!

Bookmark us & we'll see you around! :)

1 comment:

Dana said...

you are so sweet rachel!! i was glad to take part in the tag sale and of course...will be there for the next! can't wait to hear about your etsy shop!!