
Featured Artist: My Uncle Harry

It's been awhile since I promoted someone else besides myself. :) ha! So I want to introduce you to one of my favorite artists as a child... my Uncle Harry [my dad's older brother]. He is also my Godfather ... and he painted this adorable kitten for my Christening when I was 6 months old.

This painting was done with watercolors, which is a medium I have not yet explored. (I don't count the watercolor paintings I did when I was little) I think this painting hung above my bed the entire time I lived at my parents' house. I know I stared at it all those years, thinking all sorts of thoughts including "I wish I could have a kitten for real." But also, "MY UNCLE MADE THIS!" I was in awe. In 1983 my uncle borrowed it back to enter a contest at the 19th Annual Hannibal Art Club Exhibit. It just added to the specialness of the painting that was done just for me.

(its entry sticker is still on the back of the frame!)

Since closing down my own site, I've felt like I've gotten a fresh start at my business, my style, my art. It has been sooooo rewarding to challenge myself, experiment and fine tune my skills. If you have been a fan of cREaTe from the start, I'm sure you have noticed a change in my style the past 2 months or so. I've really enjoyed doing more paintings that resemble still-lifes; detailed images of objects, animals, foods, etc. I love looking at something as simple as an apple & thinking "Okay... I know it's not just as easy as a rounded shape with a stem. So where do I start?" I have to study the texture, the shadows & lights, the variance in color. I absolutely LOVE the process. As my style is evolving, I keep thinking of my Uncle Harry & his style that I often see in his work. I've especially been thinking of this kitten painting, titled "Rachel's friend". I can't help but wonder if waking up to something as special as this every single day, helped influence me and my love of painting.

Harry, I treasure this painting. I know this isn't the timeliest thank you... I'm hoping my parents wrote you a good one 32 years ago. :) Love, Rachel

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

cute - always loved that kitty, too!