On my last trip to my parents' house, I went through a large memory box. In it was old artwork, school projects, cards, and other various items that were near & dear to my heart. (
Karah, you were quite the expert on "Limestone" back in 5th grade according to our Missouri History book... are you still knowledgeable on the subject? Don't worry... my mom quizzed me on my German Immigration article I wrote & I failed miserably.)
Anyway... I couldn't help but laugh & smile at the young version of myself. If I could speak to the Rachel of the early to mid 1980's, this is what I would say...
Dear Little Me,
Your bunny mask is very cute!!! (even if it takes you 26 years to realize you drew 2 mouths... a bunny mouth & human lips. But the carrot is a really nice touch!) You keep wearing that skirted leotard as a real outfit. Someday you'll wish you were able to prance around freely in lycra! Oh & I still love that bird sweater. I think it's back in style.

Speaking of being "back in style" ... so is Strawberry Shortcake! Your Lemon Meringue painting is really nice. I can see you tried so hard to stay in the lines! But soon you'll learn it's better to color & draw without the lines. It's more original to go your own way & not always be so safe. (Artistically speaking, of course)

can draw good. And you
are an artist. Unfortunately, as you get older you get more self-conscious. Try not to be that way. I have some other bad news for you... not only will you have to watch YEARS of Sesame Street, you will also have to MOVE. Many times. But you will meet a wonderful man (a pilot - I hope you like to fly) who makes it all worth it. And guess what??? You'll get wisked away to
Florida [wish #2]. Not just to visit, you can actually live there. TWICE. The white kitten doesn't happen... I know - her name was suppose to be "Snowball". But you get a white fluffy puppy (even
better than a kitten). The Cabbage Patch Kid happens eventually.. Mom buys you a handmade one 1st. I know that doesn't count... but you'll get a real one. Just hang in there!

OH Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Too bad you don't have an F in your name - you're so
funny. I love how you keep calling yourself CUTE. :) You haven't become too humble yet. You go girl! Now on to the topic of "Energy"... Enjoy it while you can. When you grow up & become a Mommy, you will have almost none. But that's just because you will give it all to your 3 Cute, Energetic, Happy & Lovable kids.

Yes you do. YES YOU DO. You will get to smell lots of it... and I'm not just talking about the acrylics. You will move around so many times with the Navy (your future man of you dreams was in the Navy, did I tell you that?) you will get to paint many, many rooms. And when that man comes home from a deployment & doesn't like the ducky border you paint on the bathroom wall... guess what? You get to paint AGAIN. :) But it's okay... you did it on a whim & weren't too attached to them yourself. Plus - you gotta think RESALE.

Ummm... it's clear there wasn't another option for you. Case closed? Well, you're in luck. You get to do just that. :) You are a very lucky little girl. I hope you stay the way you are... you will have a very, happy & fulfilled LIFE.
Love, the Me of Today
Do you realize that you can truthfully say, "My dreams and wishes came true," for the most part (minus that kitten)? That is pretty amazing! :)
I enjoyed meeting Little Rachel - you were so cute!
You got the white kitten---don't you remember the little stuffed animal that our dog Griffin tried to adopt as his puppy?
My favorite is the last panel---why did you draw 6 circles and only fill one in? I'm guess ADD kicked in and you forgot, or . . .maybe you should have drawn a Gypsy Fortune Teller because you were pretty accurate!
Hey, I liked your banner before, but I always LOVED this one and missed seeing it once you gave up your web-site---thanks for bringing it back!
WOW!!! you knew what you were going to be and do in your future...that's amazing Rachel! you are a funny person...to bad you never putt that down. the "bunny" head picture is way too funny! oh and i got a handmade cabbage patch kid too!! i'll send you a picture!!
I want to do a post like this, too, but then I'll be "copying". Hilarious!
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