
Art by Brett & Davis

The kids have an area of the basement that they can color, etc. while I'm down there attempting to get some work done.  They can even watch Noggin or we can pop in an old school VHS tape.  :)  They love it.  

Well.. I was wanting something to hang over their craft table.  It had to be light weight because it would have to be hung by a sticky hook adhered to the painted cement wall.  I had an old cREaTe banner I had made & was SO SICK of looking at.  So I painted it with primer &
 some blue paint.

When the boys got home from school, I took them downstairs & gave them instructions.  Brett got to do the sky & Davis got to do the ground.  I knew paint would be too hard for them to work with, so I entrusted them with a BLACK PERMANENT MARKER.  [And I am happy to report that there were no marks on the clothing.]  

Davis [who will probably be an architect some day] got to work on the city buildings, tree, street & person.  When Brett took over, he drew a cloud, sun, bird & an airplane.  [Daddy's a pilot, we put airplanes on everything]  

Hopefully you don't think it's too Momzilla of me ... but I finished the banner by painting it in with color [per their guidance of what color they wanted everything].  Not letting Libby truly participate is my Momzilla moment #2.  :)  But she really didn't mind.  Her day will come!  I'm sorry, but a 22 month old can not be trusted with a black permanent marker.  I was daring to give it to a 7 & 4 year old.  

It came out so cute even if I do say so myself.  Which I can say it ... because I didn't do it.  Brett & Davis get all the credit for the artwork.   I LOVE IT!  And SO DO THEY.  :)  

1 comment:

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Well, you know I LOVE Children's artwork---am I the only one who still has her children's artwork on the walls . . . .even though they are grown and have children of their own?

Needless to say---I think it is wonderful!