

... I was just unwanted. There is a difference. But unfortunately, not everyone knows that. I was dragged to the curb after spending years in a garage. Bird poop, cobwebs and rain damage became a part of my appearance. So there I sat. Curb side. Humiliated. Covered in bird poop. Who was going to want me? I was starting to give up ... when a Suburban stopped. There was a nice lady who gave me a quick look over & saw beyond my outer appearance. She stuffed me into her SUV despite the comments from the peanut gallery inside ["Mom, what are we DOING?!" "Is that ours?"]. I saw a look on her face that I hadn't seen in a long time. Excitement. Over ME! [I think I also caught her Purelling her hands ... but that's neither here nor there]

After getting home, I was unloaded into yet another garage. It was there I sat for a couple of weeks... rain washed into the garage floor, rain washed out. I was starting to get nervous that I had just traded in one dirty, wet garage for another. I hadn't yet learned my fate.
Until 2 days ago. The nice lady gave me a glorious sponge bath and an exfoliating treatment. Just when I thought "I love this girl", she made me ... fancy. That's a word I never thought I'd be able to use to describe myself.
{This is me practicing one of my new jobs.}

I now know that I am SO NOT TRASH. The lady did warn me that I may have to put up with a little bird poop, rain & cob webs. But who doesn't? She told me she would do her best to protect me & somehow I believe her ... because I have become someone's new favorite. I am the showcase of the patio. I have a purpose. I am pretty. I will catch people's eye ... All those things are ME. Pinch me.


cara said...

well well table i have to say you DO look fancy and i have to admit i wish you were sitting on my back porch!

Dana said...

oh Table...you DO have a happy ending!! you see that lady who picked you up...always has a purpose for picking up unwanted items. ;) you look wonderful and ready for the summer cookouts! but i do wonder how you were able to type your story...