
The Paragraph Canvas ...

I got a request on Etsy to make a custom quote canvas.  When she showed me the size of the quote, I thought ... that will be the longest quote that I've painted to date.  Yikes.  I free hand all the lettering on the quote canvases ... so it can get a little nerve wracking as I inch down the canvas, wondering if it's going to work out okay.  Or if I'll have to start over.  So this one being the longest I've done ... I knew I was going to be sweating it out for awhile.  I'm constantly keeping myself in check trying to keep the pace.  It's sort of like running a marathon.  But with painting.  :)  When this was all done, with just enough room for "Christiane Amanpour", I wiped my brow.  Phew.  I made it. 22"x28" canvas, 26+ miles.  Pretty much the same thing, right?

Quote reads:  "My most fervent hope for you is that you find something that sets you on fire, that gives you passion and joy; something that you love and believe in so much that it makes you want to work all day and all night; something that will make you willing to sacrifice; something that instills in you a deep sense of commitment and a sense of mission; something that will eventually demand your courage, your physical, your moral, your emotional courage." - Christiane Amanpour

*Please note:  The colors never came out true in the photographs.  After close to 100 photos, I couldn't get ONE to show the true blue & true red.  Frustrating, I know.  But these were jewel tones ... & this will hang on an emerald green painted wall.  The quote was part of a commencement speech at the buyer's graduation ceremony.  Neat, huh?


cara said...

wow! i would be very nervous but it turned out awesome and i LOVE the quote too!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

So, you're always afraid it's going to be like the "THINK AHead" that trails to small letters?

knack said...

this is fabulous! Great job..........

Happy weekend friend! xoxo

Nikki said...

That is so cool Rachel! I love that quote too. I'd be so nervous -I'd screw it all up on the last word!

Leah Morgan Korbel said...

Beautiful! I would have been so nervous about running out of letters or canvas but it's fantastic!