
Celebrating the Big 8 ...

Brett's Birthday Party was supposed to be a "Wiffle Ball World Series". Two teams ... The Blue Angels vs. The Mighty Anacondas [named after two of Brett's favorite things]. I planned on making cute team shirts with the team names for all the boys to wear. But this was all back when I was planning on normal October weather ... like 70 degrees. When we saw "High of 48" forecasted, my 1st thought was "How will they be able to wear their cute shirts if they have coats on?" Yep ... that was the cREaTive part of my brain thinking. My 2nd thought was "We are going to FREEZE. That will be miserable." So ... we quickly made plans to hold the party at an indoor pool. Total blast. [Just no cute shirts. :( boo.]

Here are some photos from the Birthday weekend...
A few weeks before, I had found a blog {Fog and Thistle} that was offering a free download of these adorable pennants [LOVE THEM]. I left a comment thanking her & casually added that since it was mostly a boy party that we'd probably just weed out the pink. ;) Well, she e-mailed me offering to send a PDF of the pennants with pink swapped out for a color of my choice. SO NICE! She didn't have to do that ... and I normally turn down such requests because I don't want to be bothersome. But lately, I've realized that if I, personally, like doing such services for people, others do, too, and I should believe them when they say "it's no trouble". :) They turned out FABULOUS. I bought some lollipop sticks & just hot-glued the cardstock pennants onto the sticks. SO DARLING! Even the 7 & 8 year old boys thought so, if you can believe that. A few of them asked for extras ... to give to their siblings & cousins. :) hee hee No, not extra cupcakes. Extra pennants. Seriously. Kids are so cute. {THANK YOU Fog and Thistle ... P.S. she is having a give-away for her Etsyversary. Go here to enter!}
Getting ready to make a wish...
Wiffle Ball would have been fun ... but I think Brett loved the 2-story slide even more. :) [it doesn't look like it in this photo, but it was 2-stories]
Birthday boy on his new Birthday bike.
Birthday boy in a Birthday shirt playing with Birthday Legos.

I'd say this 8 year old was on Cloud 9.


Dana said...

what a great birthday!! the slide looked like it would be so much fun! so glad everything worked out!!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Looked like FUN!

Karah said...

those cupcakes penndants are A-dorable..what a nice touch. i have pink and orange martha stewart type-flaggie-things for cupcakes..ive been wanting to use forever...i think of something!:)
looks like a fun fun birthday for bretty..love him!