
Feedback ...

I had a wonderful time & met some incredible people this weekend at the St. Peter's Holiday Market. I sold some of my favorite pieces & absolutely loved all the sincere comments made about my artwork. Selling on Etsy is great & all ... but being face to face with customers, hearing off-the-cuff feedback & being able to explain my ideas behind my work was so so wonderful. Especially because everything I had out, I made. Me. Little ol' me. So it was fun to get personal.

I was so surprised by the caliber of the other vendors & booths - WOW. Like lots of fantastic local boutiques opened up a booth. Yet here I was ... a total "Mom & Pop" operation, or as I corrected myself when I said it to someone ... "Mom".

I may be a "Mom", but I was a proud "Mom" ... seeing all my cREaTions. :) I was proudest, however, when my wonderful husband marched in with 3 cute kids in mismatched clothes. Davis was still in his long sleeve camo shirt with the navy, white & orange gym shorts. The ones that when he asked if he could wear them together, I told him he could, but if he came to visit me at my show, he should probably change. [Sorry ... total eyesore. But don't worry, he didn't. :)] They all came running over to me "MOMMY!"

And the sweetest thing some people around me got to overhear, was Davis [age 5] looking at my booth & saying "WOWWW, MOM! You MADE all these????" as his little hand went from one end of the table to the other. :) He, of course, knew I did ... but like me, never really gets a chance to see it all together on display. He was proud of me. It was so sweet. It melted the hearts of the girls two booths down. [And mine.]

Then the next morning Kyle had Davis tell me what he said on the drive home [after visiting me at the Holiday Market] ... and he said "Mom - you're a good artist."

I got lots of good feedback, but his was probably my favorite.

[Totally makes up for the camo & gym shorts.]


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

Your booth looks GREAT!

What great feedback :)

bopbopdesigns said...

sounds awesome!

Dana said...

that is so sweet of Davis!! I can see why that would be your favorite! your table looked great girl!! i'm so glad you had a good experience!!

knack said...

congrats my friend!........your story is just so perfect, and I'm so glad to hear about the mismatched clothes and the hubby showing up.......that is always the best!
