
Bearly Moving ..

Finger puppets available from this adorable little shop by Cheryl A. Smith.

I've been hibernating. It's been cold [like subzero]. And it's been snowy [like we've had snow on the ground since Christmas Eve]. And all the busyness leading up to the holidays left me very tired. I've barely moved.

I didn't make anything new. Didn't even want to list / relist items in my Etsy store. Because I just wanted to keep hibernating. I didn't want anybody to discover me & put me to work. I listed one of the nest canvases on Tuesday. The other on Friday. Both times that I listed the canvas, I thought to myself "Please no one buy it. I don't want to have to go to the post office." Pretty pathetic. :) Wouldn't you know, late afternoon on Friday less than 15 minutes after I listed the blue nest canvas, it sold. The dread of the post office was cancelled out by the excitement of the quickest turnaround for a sale that I've ever had. It helped force me out of my cave. :)

Yesterday all 3 kids went back to school. The sun was shining. Enough snow melted where I could see the pavement on our street for the first time in 3 1/2 weeks. I didn't even wear a coat when I went out to run errands. It was my rebellious way of celebrating the sunny 33 degrees. :)

Now that I'm out of hibernation, I can work on new projects, list new items ... and yes, if needed, I will go to the post office. With or without my coat.

It's been a long, lazy hibernation. I'm not exactly hittin' the ground running ... but new items are coming very soon. Bear with me. ;)

1 comment:

Dana said...

so glad to hear you have come out of the cave! i'm sure the r&r was nice while it lasted...but people are in need some cREaTe in their homes. ;) congrats on the sale!!!