
Fairy Tales ...

{Libby & Grandma}

So I was thinking ... after putting the colors together for this one, that it's kind of juvenile. Like, it looks like it was made for a little girl's room. And then my next thought was, "Well... little princesses need to probably hear this message more than anybody."

Life isn't perfect, it's not always a fairy tale.
But it can still be wonderful.

But it's not like I know of any family that needs to start teaching this message to their young daughter. Like I know someone whose little girl insists on wearing a toddler sized evening gown everyday or at a very minimum a dress from her own wardrobe. Total meltdown if forced to wear pants because it's like [quote] "a kid" & not "a pin-cess"? That would be crazy.

No, I don't know anybody like that. ;)

Found here.

1 comment:

Jaclyn Morgan said...

I love that photo of Libby and me---the pink headband is perfect!

I bought Libby a book for her birthday on how to be a GRACIOUS princess (as opposed to one who expects the world to rotate around her)

Since Grandma hasn't worn a dress since a cruise. . .I guess that means I'm a KID?!