
* S * N * O * W * D * A * Y *

Today is the kids' 1st official Snow-Day-Off from school. It started snowing yesterday around 1:00pm & went on all through the night. The past 2 weeks, we've been driving around town admiring everyone else's snowmen.
So yesterday, as soon as we got home from school we got on snow gear & gathered up all our snowman supplies. We (I) totally didn't know what we were doing. I thought it would be fun to be able to paint on the snowman. Heck, I thought it would be easy to build a snowman. Wee bit wrong. The snow was not snowman quality. Our snowman body parts were basically large mounds of sugar-textured snow. We (I) kissed goodbye the idea of the perfect 3-part snowman & settled on these 3 short little snowmen. And the painting? Well... teeny tiny paintbrushes are hard to control with large puffy mittens. And when you drop it, they quickly get lost in the snow. And it's more dabbing, than it is painting. The only brilliant thing about the idea was Libby's pink mitten - the beautiful, brilliant blue on the top 1/2 of her mitten.
But it was fun. And they sure are cute.


Dana said...

i love the idea!! they are super cute!!

Janette said...

That is too cute! (And, yes, I, too discovered when we were in Japan that building a snowman is much harder than it looks.) You guys did a GREAT job! :)

Leah Morgan Korbel said...

put food coloring and water into spray bottles. LOADS OF FUN!!!