
Love him? Check. [Part 2]

I never realized what a pivotal thing that checklist was. But in hindsight, I guess it was then that all of Brett's delays [the few I knew about & the dozens I did not] were all put together for me in plain view. I don't know if it was just me being sensitive or the evaluators or the process being insensitive, but it was as if they were inspecting a faulty product on the assembly line. I wish it had been done differently. For a little over an hour they spotlighted the bad things. And it hit me hard. But as of today, I've spent roughly 74,838 hours with him. I made another checklist focusing on accomplishments & other wonderful things that are unique to him.

DATE: April 30th, 2010
DATE OF BIRTH: October 2001

å learned to talk
å was potty trained
å is very artistic
å is learning to read
å is very good at math [& bubble letters]
å has been given speaking roles at Mass
å plays soccer & has scored some goals
å can swim 25 yards without touching the bottom or the sides of the pool
å has earned cub scout badges
å learned to ride a 2-wheeler bike
å can eat an adult size portion of spaghetti
å has the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes
å has sweet little freckles on his nose & cheeks
å is the "baby whisperer" ... he transforms when he sees a baby. :)
å plays a mean game of kickball with his classmates
å has the cutest sounding, most contagious laugh
å has been invited over for play dates [by himself]
å has been invited to birthday parties [by himself]
å made his First Communion
å has the most gorgeous shade of auburn hair
å loves the number 55 [still not sure why, but it's his favorite]
å can pump his legs & swing all by himself
å absolutely LOVES having an audience
å is incredible at shooting hoops
å is incredible at hitting pitched baseballs
å draws some of the most detailed sketches of airplanes
å never gets hot
å never gets cold
å can go off the high dive
å has just learned multiplication tables
å loves having friends & being around people

å reminds me if I ever forget to give the kids their vitamins
å has just learned how to tuck in his shirt
å has just learned how to zip up his jacket
å has taught a 6th grade spanish class about the Blue Angels
å has just become brave enough to try hot lunches at school
å wants to be a pilot or a priest when he grows up
å is a little tone deaf, but loves to sing
å says Xie xie [thank you in Chinese]
å and expects me to say Bu ke qi back [perhaps watches too much of this]
å has a self-imposed uniform for just about every activity he does
å is the proud Webkinz parent to Willy the Walrus & Charlie the Caterpillar
å he's never met a stranger, asking everyone if they've bought him a DS
å has a silly bone
å doesn't have a shy bone in his body
å loves to hug
å loves to kiss [... and sometimes lick to surprise you]
å loves his family
å has the brightest smile
å has a very sweet soul
å doesn't like tension between people
å makes sincere apologies all on his own
å just wants to be like every other 2nd grade boy
å has more than exceeded my expectations since that first checklist.

Brett, xie xie for teaching me over time what Autism can look like. :) Love you. And all the things that make you you.


Janette said...

Brett was AWESOME back then, and he's AWESOME now. You are such a great mom!

Kat said...

What a wonderful checklist. Amazing to know how your child can overcome and accomplish so many things that one days seemed so out of sight watching the "other" checklist being done. I hope I can make a similar one a few years from now!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Thanks for the wonderful list. Sometimes we all need to make these lists to see how far we've come.

(Never knew about the DS Does he know Grandpa has one?)

Anonymous said...

Keep on doing what you are doing, Rachel; you and Kyle are amazing parents! Love all your posts! What a wonderful checklist and Brett has achieved so many things!

Nikki said...

Hey Rachel...a found this quote on another blog, though you might like it:
"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time." -
-- Winston Churchill

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

What an amazing son [and mama].

Karah said...

brett is the sweetest. loved that list, rach! xoxoxox!

Michelle Kelly said...

Rach, I am going to give this idea to the parents I meet with through Parents as Teachers, what a wonderful reflection of being positive!