
Circles ...

If you recall, we started a program for Brett over 2 months ago. We have about a month left. It has left us all exhausted. For 4 days a week [including the day he has Speech Therapy] ... we are rushing. After school we are rushing so Brett can eat snack, get changed & go potty ... then we're rushing off to therapy. During therapy I can usually be found rushing through a quick errand & time-killer with Davis & Libby. Then we rush to pick up Brett & rush home. Unless we're rushing to soccer practice or a cub scout meeting. Then we rush home. Rush through a dinner. Rush through homework. Rush through showers & bath. Rush getting the kids in bed.

I am sad to admit there is little enjoyment this time of day. I just feel stressed & like I'm going through the motions. It's not fun for Brett who hardly has any time to unwind. Not fun for Davis & Libby who get dragged into it. Occasionally, Kyle is here to help out. I do have to mention that or he'll get mad. :) But ... this is it. The blog post that I do admit I'm exhausted. And feeling the sacrifice of time and energy that I knew it was going to take.

Last Thursday, I was feeling the weight of it. Done. End of my rope. After I dropped off Brett, we rushed off to Target so Davis could finally spend his Birthday money. Getting Libby out, the high winds smacked my car door into the car parked next to me.

You. Have GOT to be kidding me.

Just what my blood pressure & my time crunch needed. Dent the size of a dime with some navy blue paint right smack dab in the middle of an otherwise perfect beige door. Sweet. I sat back down in the hot car [oh, 'cause the AC's out]. Left my dear, hardworking husband a [not so nice, wits end type of] voice mail. Contemplated what kind of information to put on a note. Or whether I should just spend the rest of my Speech Therapy time to wait & see if the owner came out ... before leaving a note.

Then a lady walked towards us carrying a bag & detergent. As she approached the car, I got out & said "is this your car?" I showed her what happened. She took her finger to it & said "you know ... I think I can probably just buff it out." Some of the paint came off the outer edge ... but there was still a dent with some blue in it. She said "You know what? With the week I've had ... this is the least of my worries." I said "Do you want me to give you my name & number?" [I think I asked 5 times] She insisted she didn't want it. She said "Really. I appreciate your honesty more than anything. That ... that's enough for me." Then she said "How 'bout a hug ... I'll take a hug." So right there in the Target parking lot I hugged a stranger whose car I had just dented. It was the result of 2 bad days ... and somehow we both made each others' day by something that should have certainly ruined them.

Hugs & Target are both represented by circles. Coincidence? I think not. Okay it is, but it sounds good to say it's not. :)


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

[thanks for the warning that I would need a tissue - maybe I am just emotional/pregnant/whatever]

Had one of those days Friday and had a meltdown AND it was only 8 AM. Thankfully someone gave me a hug of sorts and brushed my mess up off. It made things better.

Dana said...

i'm so there with lindsay...i need a tissue now. i'm going through something right now and a hug would just be so perfect! i have never heard of giving someone a hug over a dented door but if the world were more like this...i don't think we'd have as many bad days. i'm thinking of you girl...all the time! can't wait for the next month to fly by so you don't have to "rush" anymore! xoxox!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

You somehow missed saying, "I have been running around in circles." Funny, because I just did a blog on circles too---family circles/circle of life/circle dance. Great minds!

bopbopdesigns said...

wow, thank you for sharing, made my night.