
Chameleon paint ...

I painted our living room ... it's a strange color.  "Willow's Gold".  I like it on some walls in some light.  I don't like it on other walls in other light or even other walls in the same light [there is a difference].  Nor do I really like the way it looks flowing into the other rooms - at least some times of the day, depending on the lighting.  See?  It's strange.
I almost stopped.  Almost went back to the store to get another color.  But I decided to finish it.  I like the way it makes the red in the room "pop" [to use an HGTV term].  But it's a weird color.  Whatever.  I wanted something "sunny" since this is a shady room.  I got it.   It's growing on me.  In fact ... I think it's creating a domino effect.  I think I have to do the entry way now.  And then maybe I'll like it more?  Hmmm... told you.  It's weird.
P.S. Like my new step ladder?  I got it at an estate sale 2 weeks ago for $3.  Price tag's still on it ... just put it straight to work.  That's the sign of a good purchase.


Dana said...

i hear you on the strange living room color...feeling that same way with mine! love it in certain parts of the day...hate it in others...but i have to paint my hallway soon...so repaint the living room with a new color or the hallway in the living room color...lol! either way..it's fun to paint!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

I like the color---your pillow seems to have some of that gold. And, it will look different in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees, too.

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

What a pretty tree picture.

I have found that every time we paint the color grows on me...or I just get over it :)

knack said...

love that color.....and have a similar color in my foyer....it's called cornucopia :) the great thing about paint is it's easy to fix! If it doesn't grow on ya....just change it!

thank you for the clarabelle love:)
