
For a man's best friend ...

It had been almost 2 months since I had done a custom order.  I stopped taking orders somewhere in the middle of March ... and the break has been really nice.  The current routine we're in as a family is just too much by itself ... it was nice not to be needed with cREaTe.

But there were a few people who were willing to wait it out ... and checked back during the period of time I had told them to.  It was a nice feeling to have people showing such patience, loyalty and for cREaTe to feel needed.  I don't think I was expecting it.  :)  So, I'm taking it slow ... but I finished this [12x16]  for a guy who has waited so patiently.  :)

Happy Monday ... hope it finds you finds you showing happiness all over, too.  :)


Dana said...

wow...that quote is very true. nothing buys that wag that melts your heart...or at least mine.

knack said...

so cute! I love that quote!

Congrats on being so loved:)


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

He will be so glad he waited :)
I am finishing up my last CO for a {long} time.
I feel liberated and I like it!