
Counting to 10 ...

Modern German Numbers Print found here
Also available in English, Chinese, French & Spanish.

Did you know I minored in German?  Now you do.  Well, I now mostly speak conversational Germish ... a German / English made up combo that my sisters & I do now that our German has slipped considerably.  :)

Anyway ... in case you didn't know, there are only 10 days left in the month of May.  I hope to get back to my list that I made back on May 5th.  Not a whole lot of time .. in fact, let me go back & look at that list.   [long, pondering pause ...]  Huh.  Definitely have my work cut out for me.  Especially with the dog quote canvas being added back on to my to-do list.

But, the good news is that all the craziness will [mostly] end in 10 days as well.  It will be the end ... of the boys' school 5 days a week, Brett's therapy 4 days a week & the antibiotics for the case of his & hers Strep we had earlier this week.  Yes, I think in 10 days ... I will be doing a happy dance.  It'll be on such a grand scale, one might consider it a dance recital.  :)  Don't worry, you'll be invited to attend. I know you're dying to see my moves.  And my costume.


Dana said...

i so wish i lived closer...we could do a happy dance together over coffee and some girlie talk!! so glad your busy schedule is coming to an end soon! i'm sure you are in need of some good old fashion summer r&r!! happy weekend...i'll be working. ;)

knack said...

I'm looking so forward to the happy dance....and the costume!

seriously glad that you are feeling better, and that your summer is about to begin!

have a great weekend!


Leah Warren said...

If anyone really wants to see your costume they can to mom's blog : ) Kinda funny that you said that and she featured you in dance recitals the same day!