
It all adds up ...

So ... I haven't quite sold out from my "cREaTing awareness" items, but it was time for a tally.  :)  Of the items that have sold, this year we've raised $400 to give to F.I.R.E.  More will be given as the section sells out ... and after we do, we will be over $1000 [combined from 2009 & 2010] donated to F.I.R.E. in Brett's name via just some time + canvas + paint.  Oh & I can't forget all the super nice people who bought the product of my time + canvas + paint.  :)

I know I've referenced it before ... that it seems like sometimes as parents to an Autistic child we are spinning in circles with a blindfold on.  Sometimes we get pointed in directions, other times we just start walking.  But I'd rather be attempting to go somewhere aimlessly than stand still.  My "cREaTing awareness" fundraiser is just one of those ways that I feel better by doing something.  It's a forward direction.  You read the sentiments & it changes you for the moment or longer.  Or you purchase the artwork & it changes you in addition to those who see it in your home.  And lastly, the money raised from those items in my shop ... go to an organization that gives our local parish schools grants so that they can say "yes" to a student with special needs.  Which in turn changes people for a lifetime.

A special thank you to Lindsay, too, who generously created some artwork with proceeds going to F.I.R.E.  Just because.  :)  So nice.  And to Brett's grandparents, aunts & uncles who made a donation to F.I.R.E. in honor of Brett's 1st Communion in lieu of gifts.  These are all separate donations ... not even included in my own grand total, but definitely worth mentioning. :)

Thank you to all who have helped in all the various ways.  It all adds up ... to a positive change somewhere, that wouldn't have been there otherwise.  Big or small ... it all adds up to something better than we had before.  :)

P.S. I have a give-away in the works.  It's been pushed back a little [along with several other things] due to our perfect score of 5/5 ... with Strep.  All 3 kids came down with it this week.  We are all 5 part of the 2x a day for 10 days Amoxicillin Club.  It's not a fun club to be a part of ... but at least we're all in it together. ;)

1 comment:

aimee said...

found you via your etsy shop! i love meeting local artists and i love your hand lettering just as much!