
Summer has arrived ...

[Our 2009 Summer]

As I type ... Kyle is picking up the boys.  And this afternoon will also be our last session of the time intensive program we've been doing three days a week for 12 weeks now [since the end of February].

Today ... our summer arrives.

As I look back on what the best part of summer has always been ... it's this: Backyard.  Hoses.  Splash rockets.  Sunscreen.  Bug spray.  Lightning bugs.  Ice cream.  Popsicles.  Messes.  Showers.  Then ultimately ... ending the evening in total exhaustion.

This is how I hope we spend a majority of our summer days & nights. This week I bought the bug spray, sun screen, ice cream cones & a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  We are more than ready.  :)


Jaclyn Morgan said...

I do NOT know how Davis could be asleep in that position!

Leah Warren said...

Thanks for the reminder!! We are excited for summer too!

cara said...

i love the last one the best!