
He's back ...

[found here.]

This guy has hopped back into the mix.  He was probably the most popular of all the prints & I couldn't keep up with him.  I didn't want to relist without knowing if I had any more to offer.  But Spring was a crazy-busy time for us ... I didn't even have the time to check on that.  Or if I did have the time, I also was taking the time to think of 84 other things I had to do ... and I did those before my moment to think had come & gone. :)

But ... he's back.  I have 2 until my supply is depleted [I finally checked on that].  Sometime in the next 2 weeks - 2 years I hope to have more [new!] prints to offer!  Wish me luck with that. :)

1 comment:

knack said...

i love the frog...and the quote! :)

happy monday!
