
A perfect summer night ...

... consists of ice cream cones ...
... playing ...
... and playing ...
 ... and playing ...
... until the 1st lightning bug of the season lands in your hair.
[which was fine until her panic moment when she thought it would stay in her hair & she cried "I don't want to sweep wiff it!!!"]
And then you stay out until you notice more mosquitos than lightning bugs.  [Repeat as often as possible.]

P.S. I have e-mailed the winners ... and I can't wait for the canvases to get to their final destinations.  :)


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

How fun. That picture of Libby should be in a magazine. Too cute for words.

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Grandpa said, "Have you seen Rachel's blog?" Grandma said, "What did Libby say NOW?"

sandra mae said...

I LOVE the picture of Libby-- she is just the cutest little one ever! I am so glad to read that you are taking full advantage of your long summer days!

Karah said...

your backyard looks so fun!:) lib lib is too much..LOVE HER!

Dana said...

these are awesome summer pics! reminds me of what i used to do growing up!! love the picture of libby...to cute!! enjoy your free time girlie!