
Proof of life ...

I know you have been wondering about me.  Whether all I'll do this summer is eat ice cream cones &  chase fireflies.  But no.  Occasionally I do pick up the paintbrush.  :)  Here's proof.  Soon these little guys [4x4s] will be in my Etsy shop.

But for now I have to rescue Davis from the laser that keeps capturing him.  He "really really really" needs my help.  If you don't hear from me again soon you'll know that it has captured the both of us ... and you'll need to send help for us & the rest of the Superhero Squad.  :)


Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

♥ the minis.

Hope you are able to take down those lasers and enjoy every minute of it.

Dana said...

I love love love these quotes...they are so danity and perfect. i want a wall of them. i just love the feel of them. um...i thought you had superhero powers..after all you are super mom! ;)