
Visiting Daddy at Work ...

... kyle & libby ...

This past weekend Kyle worked at an Air Show down in Cape Girardeau.  We made an action-packed weekend of it, stopping in St. Louis to visit my family & then on to Cape for a night.  We didn't get to spend too much quality time together on actual Father's Day ... but we were together most of the weekend.
... on the drive from KC to St.L ...

He's such a great guy ... knowing I was going to be doing a majority of the driving Kyle drove us all the way from the west side of the state [KC] to the east [St.L].  Only to get up the next day & fly back to the west side.   My own wonderful dad got up before the sunrise to take Kyle to the airport to fly back to Kansas City [thanks daddio]. We got to spend a little time in St. Louis which is always a blast.

Kyle then flew the C-130 down to Cape Girardeau for the "Cape Air Fest".  Me & the kids drove down there on Saturday ... and caught the Blue Angels just in time [from a parking lot].   My kids are getting spoiled ... they've seen the Blue Angels twice in 2 months.

... davis watching the blue angels ...

... nothing short of amazing.

... here they come ...

... rrrrrrrrrrrrright over our heads.

... me & libby ...

... got back in the car to leave & just missed this right over our heads

After Kyle got off work at the air show, we got together with one of my best friends from college who lives in Cape.  Had a wonderful night catching up over dinner, sprinklers & bubbles.  So fun getting to spend good quality time with old friends.  It had been way too long.  :)  After showering the bubbles & chiggers off the kids, we headed to the hotel.

The next morning [Father's Day] we took daddy to "work" [at the air show] getting the VIP treatment.  He gave us our very own tour of his C-130. :)

... walking up the back of the C-130 ...

We then had to leave daddy there at work [in the 100 degree heat, poor guy] ... while we headed back home on our 350+ mile drive to Kansas City.  Definitely not the typical low key laid back BBQ on the patio type of Father's Day ... but we got to be with him.  I know of lots of military families who didn't get to be with their daddies, so we are very blessed to have had a chance to visit ours at "work".  And have him here, for now, on U.S. soil.


Jaclyn Morgan said...

We loved having you visit on your way to Cape, too!

Kyle had to be hot in that full jumpsuit in 100 degrees in "Swampeast Missouri"

Dana said...

What a fun weekend!! Seeing the Blue Angels always gives me goosebumps! That is such a cute picture of you and Libby! She's getting so tall!

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

How special!

PS. really love your skirt - I miss skirts, no maternity skirts for me.

knack said...

i love the blue angels! you got awesome pictures!

so glad you had a great time!


Karah said...

those pics are awesome. i want to see that sometime in person!:)
loved your blue striped shirt too!