My cousin Lynn contacted me to see if I'd be interested in donating anything to her church's silent auction. It's a small, new congregation that is still raising funds to build their own church.
I am donating 3 - 9x12 Quote Canvases to the silent auction. I collect quotes like most girls collect shoes or purses. :) I stumbled upon a new one (a Prayer) last week that just stopped me in my tracks. It read:

I am donating 3 - 9x12 Quote Canvases to the silent auction. I collect quotes like most girls collect shoes or purses. :) I stumbled upon a new one (a Prayer) last week that just stopped me in my tracks. It read:
Lord, take my lips and speak through them;
take my mind and think through it;
take my heart and set it on fire.
-W.H. Aitken
I am going to package these all up & send them on their way. Including these 3 Quote Canvases, I am proud to say I have now donated over 25 items to various organizations & causes. Until I become a successful artist who has my own money to donate, I do what I can. I contribute via my time & talent, paying it forward, hoping it helps relieve others of financial burden. We all have something others don't and I think sharing that is what helps the world go 'round. :)
I am proud of your talent more proud of your giving heart.
you are such a wonderful person rachel!!! that is awesome that you are donating those and i love the quote!!!
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