
The Very Hungry Caterpillar ...

Adorable in storybooks.

Totally, completely irritating in real life.
I came out [like I do every day] to check on my garden.
I am always secretly hoping there's a huge hidden zucchini.
But first I checked on my two babies that have looked awfully promising the past week or so.
And just the fact that I could use the word "promising" to describe anything that has to do with my zucchinis is amazing.
You see, they've been through a lot.
Including a major setback when I had to unweave them out of their old fencing.
I put in some new fencing to try & protect their neighboring strawberry plants from the bunnies.
As you can see, they were less than thrilled with their new fencing.
[They are not usually doubled over like this.]
But slowly, they settled down & came back to life.
Crisis averted.
Until ... the other day when I came out to check on my 2 babies.
And I noticed one of them had an hourglass figure.
For the love of Pete. Someone was chomping at my prized zucchini.
The one I had pegged for zucchini bread.
The one that looked ... promising.
I totally caught him in the act, too.
So, like any critter who's been naughty ... I calmly removed him from the scene of the crime.
And put him in "the thinking spot", aka "time-out".
And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't secretly hoping a bird would come along and eat him.
That's how mad I was.
Between my own experiences with both caterpillars & rabbits ... I can see where the inspiration for children's storybooks come from.


Jaclyn Morgan said...

Cute blog---I sure hope those zuccinnis (zucinis, zuccinis,zucinnis, zukes) don't disappoint.

Did you see my blog on critters?

Dana said...

they are so cute..but darn do they create a mess! so sorry to hear about your garden! i'll send a bag over of the squash and tomatoes that my neighbor just dropped off...;)