
3 Foot Square {HUGE}

Now that it's there I can show you. And I can rest easy. :)

I was contacted by someone who wanted a 36" x 36" Quote Canvas. I was as much excited about it as I was nervous. We worked as a team to pull it off ... she being in Los Angeles & me in Kansas City. She gave me her ideas for colors, showed me what she liked of my past work, showed me a picture of her living room ... and I would type back my own version of what I was envisioning with what she had given me. We went back and forth for a couple of weeks, just to be sure we could get it right. This is 3' x 3', after all. We weren't messing around with something that was going to go unnoticed. Subconsciously, I know I was loving the long design process ... because it meant a delay in me actually having to bring our ideas to life. Yikes-ies. :)

I seriously was going to take a day or two off before I started the text, but I also knew that if I just jumped right in, two things would happen. 1) I would know sooner than later what it was going to look like. 2) She could possibly have it in time for Thanksgiving. I knew she was entertaining 17 at her home & also knew if it was at all earthly possible for her to have it on her wall in time, she would LOVE it. So instead of dawdling, I dug right in. I'm so glad I did.

I got it done, approved, packaged, shipped & on its merry way to Los Angeles. Yesterday, after waiting on pins & needles after I could see the FedEx guy dropped it off [on their porch], I got this:
I got it and I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for making us such a beautiful piece and for getting it here in time for Thanksgiving. It's a total knock out and ties everything together in the room. You are so awesome. Thank you!
I loved the "total knock out". :) ha ha How cool is that?

P.S. I know the photos are terrible ... sometimes it's just hard to pick up the colors, especially when there's so much variation. The text, however, is a smoky brown with a pale blue.


Karah said...

gorgeous! when i saw it in person..you had just the orange-ish background & i loved it just like that--so the text just adds to it!!!!!!

Leah Warren said...

Oh I love it and would love to see it up...maybe she'll send pictures!

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

That is amazing.
Okay, do one for me :)

I cannot imagine shipping that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

It looks fabulous and I love the colors!