
Christmas Tree Farm {& Positioning}

We took a trip to our favorite Christmas Tree Farm this past weekend. So fun. But so cold with the harsh winds! Luckily, they have a cozy little room inside the barn with a fire going & free hot chocolate and candy canes. [Can you see why we like this place?]

The tree we picked out looked perfect ... but I guess we didn't look at the trunk too carefully. It has some pretty bad scoliosis. So it's hard because when the tree as a whole looks perfect, the trunk looks ridiculously curvy. It's crazy.
Someone could see we needed help with the positioning. He drew these up all on his own to show us where the tree was [at the moment] and the direction it needed to go [to be straight]. Kyle was under the tree working feverishly to get the trunk in place ... when Davis showed these to him. Now Kyle knows how I felt when I was served the instructions for the red door. :) Kyle's look matched mine ... total shock, hiding laughter, while trying to look genuinely grateful for the help from a sweet 5 year old. It's a really hard look to pull off, but we're getting better at it. He is too funny. The only thing I helped him with was getting the cardinal directions down ... he pointed to all the walls & asked which was which. Then he knew enough to say that the tree needed to lean south more.

It says "This is not wrgn." [This is not working.] Seriously. Engineer or Architect. It's a toss up.



Jaclyn Morgan said...

LOL Not to mention the rocket which he wanted done in a specific order. . .He is SUCH an engineer.

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

How fun.

I love how the kids are drinking their hot chocolate with straws :)

And the feet picture, so sweet.

Dana said...

Oh my...GOSH! I just love it!! I was on the fence but now..I'm so thinking engineer! He's analyzing the situation...making mental notes...drawing it out to show you what he wants to explain...oh my...it's an engineer in the making for sure!! hahaha.