[the Angry Peeps that I made]
[Gift from his grandparents: his favorite, "Bomb Bird"]
[the cookie cake I made for him to take to school]
[the Angry Birds he made with his friends at school, used as decoration]
[playing Angry Birds on my iPhone while waiting for pizza]
[Pigs & structure.]
[Pigs & structure all lit up for the occasion. Yes, the pig front & center had already lost an eyeball, which actually made it even more like the game. :)]
[Angry Peep close up. I feel bad for the actual Peep underneath that disguise.]
This winter while Brett played basketball, Davis could be found with us in the bleachers. Sometimes he would go off & sit with friends ... and apparently take turns playing a game with his friends on his friends' parents' phones. He wanted me to get the game on my phone & luckily my old school phone didn't have the capabilities. :) He would come home from school with drawings of these weird birds. I had no idea what they were. Sometimes there were green pigs. Even weirder. Then one day in February, I got an iPhone. I tried to keep it from the kids, but that didn't last long. The second Davis saw a smooth flat screen [no buttons!] on my phone, he KNEW it had the capabilities. For Angry Birds.
He's a fan and after my mom sent me a link to this Angry Bird Birthday Cake video, we agreed Davis would love it. We also agreed that slaving over cake ... probably wasn't necessary. I told my mom "I'm thinking ... NUTTY BARS". I was going to make cake balls for both the birds & pigs, but then saw this version using donut holes via Meg's Whatever blog. Sweet. Taking shortcuts where you can & it really won't matter - that's my style. So I was off to the grocery store where after staring at all the items in the sugar aisle, I picked up:
2 boxes of donut holes, 5 tubes of icing, a bag of Laffy Taffy and M&Ms, a bottle of confetti sprinkles, a package of Peeps, white almond bark, a box of Nutty Bars & Fancy Cakes [those square white cakes].
I did the pigs 1st. Not pretty, but tasted good. After making just a handful of pigs, I was done with the white almond bark. So I looked at my Peeps & thought "let's see what we can do with you." A squirt of white icing there, some chocolate sprinkles here ... then I raided my sprinkle collection to find something orange. I found my Halloween mix which had pumpkins & bats. I used both ... pumpkin for the 'beak' & the bat for the tuft of hair on top. So ugly, so funny, so angry ... I felt so bad for the Peeps. They looked especially funny going back in their packaging. :) But they WORKED.
When it was time for dessert, I got out the Nutty Bars & Fancy Cakes ... and in less than a minute I had the structure built. Added the green pigs, grabbed the packages of Angry Peeps & a sling shot ... and headed outside. Davis was absolutely beside himself. I had kept it a surprise ... and it just got better when I told him he could shoot the Angry Peeps with the sling shot. A 7 year old's dream. I think it made his year.
It took awhile to get the knack of it, but those Peeps did indeed fly. I even got beamed in the eye with one while I was hovering behind the table taking pictures. And I think the bat sprinkle got me head on because it actually hurt. Well, more than just a regular Peep would ... but it was hilarious. :) It was fun. So so so fun. And so so so worth it. When all the Peeps were either eaten or far too dirty to use [umm, yes. I may have let them reuse 1 or 2], we called 'game over' & dug into the sweets. I think Davis will remember this Birthday long after the Angry Birds craze is over. :)
P.S. My incredibly talented friend Alissa has a Peeps blog & featured me today. :) Check it out.
[mouth hanging open]
The birthday queen strikes again.
My husband would hug you for this.
He is a BIG Angry Birds fan.
You and Alyssa. . . .
as i've said before..you really rock when it comes to your kid's birthday parties! i LOVE those angry peeps!!! lol. how creative are you girl with the halloween decorations!!
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