
Hipstamatic Timeline ...

So right after Libby's Birthday ... we got sick. Brett got it the worst. Some sort of a flu bug that had him not feeling like himself for a week, then had sinus troubles & a cough for about 2 weeks. This is him on day 1 of being sick ... he kept telling me "I'm FINE!" Mmhmm.
Here's the line up of meds for me & B. :) 
Getting a little fresh air with Daisy while home from school. :) 
The area in which we live has what they call a "warm up" parade to St. Patty's Day. Our town has so many Irish in it, they have multiple parades. :)  We walked in the parade with our school  & had a blast.
A photographer with the Kansas City Star took this during the parade of Libby & Kyle! :) This was on the front page of the "Neighborhood News" section for 2 counties. Needless to say, we're still hearing from people who saw them [even yesterday afternoon - 2 weeks after it ran in the paper]!
First day of Spring Break ... Davis still in his PJ's making all sorts of paper airplanes. Did you know you could make some that could do aerobatics? I didn't, but do now ... Davis made some that could do loop-de-loops. So cool.  
The kids & I went to St.Louis for a few days during Spring Break! We spent a lovely day at the zoo there, where Brett faced his fears head on. For years we have tried to get Brett to look at the snakes & he'd run the other way in a panic. This was absolutely amazing to see Brett not only this far from the entrance of the snake house, but this close to the Burmese Python.  Made my week.
 We also went fishing with some friends! Libby caught 19 fish in about 3 hours. She shrieked & giggled & called out the number of each one.  
On 3/18, Kyle & I celebrated our 12th Anniversary! 
This past Friday we had off school & cousin Roman was on Spring Break! So we walked up to our new local frozen yogurt place, Orange Leaf.   
Due to the fact that it had rained all week, the boys had their 2 soccer games cancelled & Brett had his baseball practice cancelled. Kind of nice to have our Saturday freed up. :) So on Saturday night, we had the other KC cousins over. That night Libby learned how to swing [pump her legs] all by herself. :)  
Such a perfect night. The most gorgeous weather & a fun game of wiffle ball between the cousins, uncles & pappy.  
The aunts, mimaw & Miss Daisy made up the cheering section. :)  
On Sunday Libbs got to do her birthday shopping with mimaw. She picked out this outfit & the new black boots. Here she is checking out the photos I took of her modeling the new outfit. Sass.
This is pretty much what Kyle has been doing. The school he's in has been a bit more overwhelming,  more intense & more time consuming than we thought. I had to get him a new package of highlighters because in just a little over a month, he went through the pink, orange & yellow. He's been busy to say the least. 
And finally, here's Libbs last night. She was helping me hose all the pollen off everything. She asked me if she'd get money for doing it & I told her I'd pay her a quarter. She did that same giggly shriek that she did each time she caught one of her 19 fish. She was ecstatic. :) 

Life's been good. Could've done without the week or 2 of sickness, but it's been good. Hopefully I'll get back down to the art studio soon! Happy Spring! :)

1 comment:

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Hmm, Libby does not appear to be dressed for whiffle ball. . .

I can just hear that little shrieky-giggle!