
Libby's 5 ...

Our little Libby is 5 today. I can hardly believe it.
Libby has a twin cousin. That is a cousin that was not only born on the same DAY. But 8 minutes apart. 3.5.2007 was a wild day for the Twenter Family. :) 
We celebrated on Saturday with a little painting party for 16 girls at the Ceramic Cafe. Fun fact I learned about that place is that they donate to the Thompson Center in Columbia, MO. Coincidentally, that is where we participated in a research study [for Autism] almost 2 years ago. I couldn't believe that when I read it - small world. But I think we'll have to go back in sometime soon & paint a puzzle piece or an ornament. [Yep, that's a hair extension in her hair. She calls the fashion shots 'round here.]
Since we knew the night of her Birthday was going to be busy with the normal school week activities, we celebrated last night. She got to open up her presents from us [lots of clothes, a Tinkerbell DVD & the Littlest Pet Shop Tree House she wanted]. We also put the finishing touches on her Star-of-the-Week poster for school. She did the bubble letters all by herself. The last answer to the questions there on her poster says she wants to be an "Artist" when she grows up. :)

I love this little girl so so much.  We are alike in so many ways ... and so so different in others. But I love every little BIT of her. God poured everything I wanted & everything I didn't know I wanted - into our little Libby. And I feel so lucky & blessed that I was chosen to be her mom.

1 comment:

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Love that photo of her blowing out her candles! It is wonderful! Sorry we missed being there for her birthday, this year!