
There's no cure, but ...

we'll take faith, love & acceptance in exchange. :)
I haven't made a treasury in awhile ... but I decided to do one as a final push for cREaTing Awareness & Autism Awareness Month [found here]. Tomorrow is the last day of April ... and I still have some items left. :) No worries. I'm not pulling them. I will leave them. And if push comes to shove ... I will pre-donate my proceeds, in anticipation of a sell out. :) I have faith.

I am working on a follow up to my post from last week regarding "the checklist". I will post it tomorrow as a wrap up for the month. :) Stay tuned.

Thanks to all who have helped in ALL the various ways. I firmly believe "it takes a village" ... whether it be helping to rear a child in your community or helping a fundraiser get off the ground. :) Your support has meant a lot.

1 comment:

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

I hate I missed this when you posted it! I was working like crazy to finish something - a good something though :) I have a donation to send to FIRE! So yay.