
Remembering ...

May 1, 2010

Earlier this month we went to the Air Show in St.Joe.  We sang the National Anthem while a C-130 [what Kyle's flies] dropped off two Navy Seals [Leap Frogs] & floated down with the American Flag.  It was so beautiful.

I cry every time I sing the National Anthem.  And My Country 'Tis of Thee.  And God Bless America.  I know I love being an American, but for some reason singing the words of these songs is what validates it for me every time.  By the end of the songs ... I can't even sing, I'm so choked up.  I am humbled that there are people who love our country, our citizens & our flag even more than that.  So much that they have given their life to protect all those things.  Today we remember them.  


Aunt Jane said...

Me too! I get so choked up before I get to the end and the tears swell in my eyes. The same happens singing Silent Night at Christmas. I guess both confirms my faith in God and country.

Dana said...

what a sight that had to have been...i would have loved to seen that!