
Give away [or keep] ...

Originally, it was going to be like it always is: anyone who likes & wants it can put their name in the hat.  But then ... my heart became heavy with people I knew or knew of who were going through things.  Trials & losses of all different shapes & sizes.  So I made something for them in mind ... and devised a give-away that can be given away.

So that's what this is.  A give away for the person in your life who needs a pretty sunrise on their mornings they find it hard to get out of bed  [or maybe it's for you].

This will be wrapped up & mailed where you tell it to go.  If it's to give away & it's not going to you first, I can fill out a card for you or you can give it anonymously.  And yes - you might have noticed there are 2.  :)  I'll pick 2 winners.  Because 2 is always better than 1.  [Details:  8x10 canvas with light gray background, white lettering & a hand-painted sunrise in lavender, pink, yellow & white]

To enter, just leave a comment here.  If your e-mail is not in your blog profile, be sure to leave it in your comment.  I will draw a winner Sunday night ... and will privately e-mail the 2 winners shortly after.  :)  Feel free to pass this along!


Kat said...

I know someone this would be so perfect for :)


Dana said...

this post brought tears to my eyes...can you tell who this would go to if i won??! what a great ideas! i love it! this new design is sooooo very beautiful rachel! i love it...such a sweet sweet "keep" in my case! lol.

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

The heart doesn't lie does it?

This is such an amazing giveaway!

I know who mine would go to ... even though we have never met :)

Casey said...

these are lovely!!! i hope i get chosen! :)

Amanda said...

Hey girl, This is such a fab idea. You are so thoughtful and I love your work! If I was chosen, I would give it to my friend ARB who lost her dad to cancer this year. He was basically the best dad and grandpa in the world. Losing him has been unbelievably difficult.
Keep up the good work. I check in on you every now and then to see what's new. :) And tell Kyle we said hi! Amanda Hehmeyer

jamie said...

Definately a keeper!

Unknown said...

I have a friend in mind for this. What a wonderful idea!

Jaclyn Morgan said...

I have several in mind. . .


burlap+blue said...

Oh WOW, this is gorgeous! Thank you for such a generous giveaway--I have several people in mind if I were to win this!

Thanks for your comment on my guest post on Lindsay's blog! You made me smile with your comment on how long it takes to wrap those wreath forms...it is amazing how much time it takes:)

Karah and Doug Pope said...

it's so pretty rach, as usual! i always know people who could use a beautiful piece of artwork!

Unknown said...

Kathy Crews LOVES a cREaTe giveaway!!!!!!

Janine Muntean said...

What a great idea! I have a friend that could definately use your artwork.


Leah Morgan Korbel said...

Hi cousin-I love you work! I too, have a person in mind!

K. Reynolds said...

LOVE this! I hope I get chosen :)

Mary Hilgeman said...

My brother died unexpectantly and suddenly of a cardiac arrest on April 20th while at home. He left a wife and three children. My sister-in-law is looking to move to a different place since it is too hard to stay. She just found a new place and plans to move in July. This would be a beautiful piece of art for her new home and new beginnings.
Mary Hilgeman (friend of Leah)

Chris G said...

Rachel, I've been meaning to tell you I've been following your blog for sometime now. Your life keeps me entertained! Brett, Libby and Davis are all such precious and unique children. Well, anyway, I have a couple people in mind for this artwork. So count me in on the raffle. And have a great summer with your kiddos. prmytchr2nd@charter.net

Katie said...

Hey Rachel! I'd love to enter!!

School is out tomorrow, so I'll call you after that about our summer schedule!! Can't wait to see Brett again!!

Anonymous said...

I know someone who needs this right about now...


jjtrotta said...

I love it. Is it bad for me to say, I need it for myself.

Anonymous said...

beautiful work.

knack said...

oh girl....totally love this! great work!


Teri said...

Beautiful! Literally brought tears to my eyes!


Gussy Sews said...

this is darling. i'd love to hang it in my sewing room to reflect on all that my husband and i have gone through the last 2 years of marriage (our anniversary is Monday). 3 job losses, moving 13 hours from family to find new jobs, pursuing my passion which meant quitting my day job (that we moved to Minneapolis for) to sew full-time and work on my Gussy business (www.shopgussy.com).

God is so faithful. and quiet some times, which can be a wonderful blessing when reflecting on His love.

xxoo. thanks for the opportunity to win.

whitley.maggie {at} gmail.com

Leigh Ann Werner said...

Love it!!! Know just the perfect spot for it!


Unknown said...

This would be perfect for my daughter, a 11 year old budding artist!


Julie Swope said...

I love these-but I love all of your quote canvases. I read your blog and although I do not know you we have FIRE in common. I have a son at St. Therese who benefits from the program. I will begin attending meetings when they start again. I love your blog. Love your work.

Julie Arena Swope

Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

Hey Rachel - you KNOW I love your quote canvases!!! Of course, I know a few people who would truly appreciate this quote canvas (myself included).

But, there is ONE person that immediately came to mind for me. Her name is Lisa. Lisa & her husband are military friends from our 1st air force station at Pope AFB, in NC. Lisa's husband Kevin was Mike's first DO at our 1st base right out of pilot training (DO is the equivalent of an XO in Navy terms:). Kevin was an excellent DO & leader. Mike remembers him fondly. I became friends with Lisa during the 3 years we were stationed at Pope. They have 2 children, boys - who are in their early teen years now...sadly, Kevin was killed in a boating accident while on business in Norway 10 days ago. He leaves behind his wife of 25 years Lisa & their 2 young boys. They've created a facebook page in his honor:

I can not even begin to imagine what Lisa is going through right now. As a military wife & wife of a pilot...she is living our worst nightmare right now...
his memorial service was held today.
I think Lisa would find strength & hope in the words on this canvas in the days, months & years to come...

Jara said...

I have a friend whose husband left her and she has two boys and a third boy on the way, this would be awesome for her! Love it, thanks for the chance to win!